
Monday, January 3, 2011

A Beautiful Mind

     What the good word, people? Paleo sounds like a pretty good word. CrossFit is an outstanding word... burpee? .... not so good of a word. Alright, enough screwing around. We have some rambling to get to.

     Well, I want to bring up something I ran into recently. If you follow my WODs then you'll notice that I recently did the Filthy Fifty and Fran, and set a PR on both (in the same week too). Well, my ramble is, how one PR was a lot easier than the other.

     I bet you wouldn't guess that Fran was the easier of the two (strange, huh). The Filthy Fifty I would describe as one of my favorite WODs to do, but It absolutely killed me. Vice versa, the first time I did these WODs I was crushed by Fran and felt great through the Filthy. So what's different now.

     I would have to take into account a lot of thing. First the time domain is completely different. Fran is a sub 10 minute WOD, and the Filthy is sub 20 (last time I did it anyways). Load differ a lot. In Fran you do a total of 45 reps for two movements, where as the Filthy is 50 reps of 10 movements. Still, why has the feel of these WODs change?

     I think (in my opinion) that one of the PRs was tougher to achieve, which obviously was the Filthy Fifty. I knew that I really had to push hard to get my time under 20 minutes. I'm thinking that's why it was a lot harder, was that I pushed my body WAY out of the comfort zone for this workout. Conversely, I didn't have the same attitude hitting Fran. I wasn't aiming to PR (even though I did), but it happened anyway.

     So, in a roundabout way, this was all a discussion on how CrossFit is such a mental game, as well as a physical one. Yes, we redo WODs again from time to time to measure our fitness. But doing a WOD like Fran or the Filthy Fifty again, after you've had both of them crush you, takes a lot of mental stamina. You have to have your head prepared to enter a WOD, so when that little voice in you head pops in, mid-WOD, and say to quit. You just tell that voice to shut the hell up! Move weight, be fast, think sharp. Till the next time everyone.

New Year 2011 Concord CrossFit Promo from Alison Cooksey on Vimeo.

3,2,1 GO!

Yesterday's WOD:

4 minute per round, 1:30 minute rest between rounds, score is number of reps:
1- 500 m row
    Wall Balls (50)
2- 500 m row
    Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 75 lbs (30)
3- 500 m row
    Pushups (40)
4- 500 m row
     Medicine Ball Cleans 20 lbs (30)
5- 500 m row
    Overhead Walking Lunges 45 lbs (20)
6- 500 m row
    Slam Balls 25 lbs (30)
Total reps - 200

Paleo Challenge day 1/30
Day one on the Paleo was not that bad. Easy to find the right foods to eat, and no craving for anything else.

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