
Monday, December 27, 2010


     Howdy again folks. Another day, another blog... great thing isn't it? I'm sure you're as excited as I am. Well, maybe not so much. But, we both must tread on.

CrossFit might help him out

     So I had a good conversation with Parth about this... Ideal Bodyweight. Many people reap CrossFit benefits of weight loss or (in some peoples cases) weight gain. It's great when people see changes like that, I'm all for it. Some people want to loose weight specifically to be faster, or gain weight to be stronger... there may be a different approach for those goals.

     Instead of saying, "I want to loose weight to be faster" try just saying, "I want to be faster." There was some talk on the CrossFit Journal about what is the ideal bodyweight for a CrossFitter. What was brought up was people trying to loose/gain weight to be faster/stronger. Maybe we should shoot for the later, and if the former happens... cool

    What I'm rambling about is... if you can become faster or stronger through your training but still stay at the same weight, then what's the problem? likewise, if you lift heavier weights and are still at your same weight... what's the problem? If either of these two situations happens you're still fitter, and that's awesome!

     So what do you guys/gals think? Do you think there is an ideal bodyweight for what we do? I'm making the contention that there's no ideal bodyweight, just the ideal mindset. I preach again and again that CrossFit is just as mental as it is physical. Just be stronger and faster and you have nothing to worry about. Keep at it folks!

3,2,1 GO!

Yesterday's WOD

"Linda" AKA "Three Bars of Death"
Deadlift 150% Bodyweight (245 lbs)
Bench Press 100% Bodyweight (165 lbs)
Clean 75% Bowyweight (125 lbs)
Time - DNF
It's been a while since I had to DNF a WOD, and it makes me feel like crap. It was the damn Bench that got me. I made it to round 6 and then I just couldn't move the weight, even when I dropped it to 155 lbs. Oh well, come back an other day and Linda will be mine!

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