
Friday, July 29, 2011

They're Ready

     Good morning folks. It's been a long day, but someone has to save the word (one squat at a time). By now the CrossFit Games have officially kicked off! I know, I've been talking about this a lot... but who could blame me? I feel like a 6 year old waiting for Santa to come (please tell me he's real). I've been anticipating this epic throwdown since I saw it live last year. I AM READY! Speaking of which, today I offer you some fun video of some other folks that are just as read... enjoy!... and do burpees!

3,2,1 GO!

Yesterday's Training:

Rest Day
Due to having to completely change my schedule to night, I thought it would be best to forgo the WOD. Unfortunately for me, I'll be changing back to days by the end of the weekend. So much for Rest and Recovery

Day 105 Burpee Challenge / 5565 Burpees Total


1 comment:

  1. AHAHHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHHAHAH ok. if I hadnt just mowed the lawn for time (23min) I'd be laughing more.
