
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Holiday Planning and Challenge

     Sup yo?... I mean, sup yos? Yea, that sounds much better. Anywho, what better way to spend my working hours than on some good ol' fashion rambles. Sorry I missed yesterday's post. What with working a different shift every day... I was getting some sleep. Seeing as how I've been up since 4 AM... let do the damn thing!

     First of all, thanks Mr. Libbie for your comments yesterday. I need to take that first step and get some work done. Secondly, it's the holiday season (duh) and that poses challenges for our fitness. Many will travel, eat a turducken, and be WAY to busy for small necessities (like bathroom breaks). This begs the question of how do we survive this barage of un-Paleo friendly grub, nippy weather, and busy days? Well, I'm glad you asked.

     The biggest trick to survive the season is acceptance. Accept the fact the we may not be training like we want, or getting to the gym as often as we'd enjoy. Many out there are not Games level athletes, and do not make a living by working out (man, if only). Too many out there have family and jobs that they must juggle on a normal, non-holiday, schedule.

     Once we've accepted, now we need to come up with a plan. You will find that you have a great ally the rest of this year... and that's bodyweight movements. Nothing like throwing down a couplet of pushups and squats while you're in the living room. An AMRAP of situps and burpees doesn't take up any equipment... or barely any room, and will work off part of that gingerbread house you wolfed down

     Are we getting the point? Yes, the holidays are dangerous (besides more than Black Friday). Yes, we can take a step back for X-Mas. But, we can survive. Seeing as how December starts tomorrow... how about we kick the end of the year off with a challenge. Time to bring back the Burpee a Day Challenge!!! Dec 1st = 1 burpee; Dec 2nd = 2 burpees; Dec 31st = 13 Burpees. This is a measly 496 Burpees to bring us into the new year (much better than 16,000). So post below if you're in, come up with a plan... and do burpees (starting tomorrow)!!!

Crossfit Metro 361 - promo from Wigflipa on Vimeo.

3,2,1 GO!

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