
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ramble Series: Part 3

     Morning folks, with another day break inbetween I bring you the final instalment of the "Ramble Series". I hope I haven't kept you in suspense for too long... hell, maybe a little. I'm trying to do better on the rambles, but things happen when you a grizzled mofo with 40 some days off of work... personal issues aside, let's do it!

     So, we've had the last Rambles about physical and mental conditioning. What else could there be? Think: Mind, Body, Spirit... Think: Sickness, Wellness, Fitness... Is this making any sense? Today is about improving not performance, not sharpening our mind... but improving our health.

     You do not have to be a super stud to CrossFit. The tag line is, "Forging Elite Fitness", but you don't have to start that way. There has been non-official studies at CrossFit boxes around the world testing improved weight loss, body fat loss, improving lab results, increasing range of motion, taking away pills. CF can be literally add years to your life. You don't believe me... watch Mary's Story (Part 1 and Part 2).

     In fact, some of the most inspiring stories in the CF universe is about people getting their life back. People that were deconditioned and became active. People that couldn't do the most basic things, to being able to do almost anything (Marissa's Story).

     It just goes to show that CF is for everyone. Don't be too scared to try and throw yourself out there... you'd be suprised in what you would find. What do you think? Has anything inspired you? Have you been an inspiration to those around you? Post thoughts, comments and questions down below. Finally, be happy, be healthy... and do burpees!

RED ROYAL CROSSFIT & KETTLEBELL.SK from Viktor Cicko on Vimeo.

3,2,1 GO!

Yesterday's Training:

2 Rounds
10 Hang Power Cleans 135lbs
50 Double Unders
Time - not timed
this was just something quick and in my wheelhouse. My dad was messing around my weights and I got him to clean and jerk 135lbs! I think... he's tasting the koolaid.


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