
Monday, January 9, 2012

A training recap

     Hey folks. My bad for getting nothing out this weekend. I took some good video of a very painful mental fight (you should see some time this week), but just to get the week rolling, let me recap the end of last weeks training:

     Friday 1/6

155lb Power Clean 8 x 2 on 45 sec clock

135lb Front Squat 8 x 3 (1 min rest)

6 rounds
10 1.5 pood KB SDHP
50yd sprint
rest 3:1

round 1 - :24
round 2 - :23
round 3 - :22
round 4 - :21
round 5 - :21
round 6 - :21

Good day of training. The rep scheme for the front squats should have been reversed, however I focused on perfect reps every time. I liked the sprints, just couldn't get sub :20

     Saturday 1/7

2 mile run
buy 2 10lb bags of ice
2 mile run (with the ice)

20-30 min foam roll

11 minute ice bath (5 minutes in, 1 min rest, 6 min finisher)

The ice bath was painfully awesome! That first 5 minutes was torture, but very worth it. After that I took as hot as shower as I could stand... and all of that before 9am.

     Sunday 1/8

Rest Day

So I think I'm going to like this. This next week I've added 2 squat session in the AM, so I will be doing a lot of work throughout the week. For this reason I have programmed my saturday to be a recovery day and Sunday to be a rest day. Got my squats done this morning already, and I'm feeling fresh.

     Just wanted to give you guys a little insight into what I'm doing. Post any questions, comments or thoughts down below. Stay tuned, keep training... and do burpees!

A day at Crossfit Love from Justin Doran on Vimeo.

3,2,1 GO!

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