
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Work Out vs. Training

     Good day folks, with keeping the ramblings going I have a few things on my mind. Nothing that earth shattering or even new... but all the same. Let's get rocking!

     Yes, it is the age old "are you working out or are you training" talk today. Some will say that if you have goals, then you're training. However, I would say that both have goals. The difference is what goals you set and how you follow them. Let's break it down now!

     Most people's work out goals are simple and vague like: "I want to get in shape" or "I want to lose weight". They can be a little more specific, but it boils down to the same thing. These folks may go to the gym with little to no plan. With their goal being so vague, it is very easy for them to give up or even convince themselves they've reached the goal. This can be a back and forth action of setting goals, "achieving" them, getting out of shape, and then setting the same goals.

     I'm not faulting people for these types of goals. In the end, they are getting into the gym. That is honestly half the battle in itself. Now if they will stop following bad fads and do some training... they would be set.

     Those training are the ones with set specific goals. These may be finishing a 5k in a certain time, squatting or totaling a certain amount of weight, or even sports training. Not only does this have goals, but a specific road/program to reach them.

     Folks that train like this also know that these goals come right away. A person can work months and even over a year to achieve just part of their goals. It is the drive for attaining all these small achievements that makes a person train so hard. They may hurt, sweat, bleed, puke, pass out... but they will not quit!

     So, what do you do? Do you workout or do you train? Whatever you do, I hope you are hitting goals and setting PRs. Post thoughts, questions, comments below... or just read and think about this. And BECOME UNBREAKABLE!!!

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